Astro Classes

I started a few years ago on YouTube as the AstroTeacher and I loved having Astro Classes which were mini lessons on many different spiritual and occult topics with twists to bring everything back to Modern Day now I can be the Astro Teacher all over again with some Mystic Tea By D flair mixed in! So hope you can join me in spirit class!

Money+Rune Magic Class

Are you looking for more money to come into your life? Do you need a different perspective or answers on how to have Abundance in your life right now or Are you looking for more abundance and resources but don't know where to start? Well then this class on Money+Rune Magic is or you! Money is energy and there seems to be more lack lately than abundance...but this can change for you and for everyone with the right tools and a bit of magic to help. In this class we will be exploring Money as Energy and how to attract this in abundance, Money Trees and How Divisors work within Money Spells and Magic but that's not all we are also going to be learning about Runes and how to utilize them for clarity and expansion during Money Spells and what there meanings can tell you about your money and resources, whether it is a hinderance or and expansion to you, that you may not even realize. So if you are ready to get some money and abundance while growing your resources then don't wait to sign up as space is limited! All class participants will take home a Money Tree and there own mini Runes to use in ritual and practice. This class will be on March 27th at 6:30pm at Figgy Studio & Shop.


Event Bookings